Potion adds the magic, generating a speedy site with custom domains, styles and great SEO.

Trusted and used by these companies

"As a current user, I highly recommend it! I’m really loving writing my site in Notion and having it published with Potion"
Bryan Smith
Founder of Interweave

"Potion is fantastic! A breeze to use, and the product keeps getting better. Plus I already use Notion for everything else. It's a no-brainer!"
Joshua Anderton
Founder of Upscribe

Why use anything other than Notion as your CMS?
You're already writing all your content there. Why not use it for your website? Potion makes this possible. Checkout the blocks supported.

Update on Notion and it’s live just like that!
Don’t spend hours updating content on those bulky CMS platforms. Build a lean, clean, content machine with Potion.

Custom style your website just the way you want
You can add your own css and fonts with snippet injection and change the default Notion-like styles.

Super Fast Page Speeds
Potion generates a static site so navigating between pages and loading them is like the snap of a finger.

We play nice with all your favorite tools!

Potion is great for these kinds of sites
If you can build it in Notion, you can build it in Potion.
Potion is great for sharing data and content. If you'd like to see more examples of sites check out our Notion website showcase!
People are loving Potion! 👇
See more love on the Wall of Love.