
Selling Products with Stripe

May 15, 2023 08:38 PM
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Check out the demo.

Find the template Here.

This template was created by Saasbase.

How to use this Template

  1. Click the template link above.
  1. Duplicate the template in the top right corner.
  1. Use your new Notion Url for the page in the Potion Dashboard when setting up the site.
  1. After creating the site, in the Potion dashboard under Snippet Injection, copy and paste the code below into the headπŸ‘‡
  1. Create a Stripe account. Go to Payment > Payment Links to create unique URLs that can be used to purchase a product.
  1. Click on Create New and Add a new Product that you would like to sell. Add name, description, price, and One time.
  1. Once a Payment Link is successfully created, you can copy the unique URL generated and paste it as the Buy link on a product page. This will redirect users to the Stripe checkout flow when they click on the button.
  1. That's it! Go make some money $$$
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